The evening of the 6th of July 2021 was dedicated to the first cohort of students in the “BA Program in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece”, who completed their first academic year successfully regardless of the challenges due to the pandemic.
The event took place at the Athens University History Museum, known as the ‘Old University’, located in one of the oldest residential buildings still standing in Athens today, beneath the imposing heights of the Acropolis with a panoramic view of Plaka, the Ancient Agora, the Athens Observatory and the Lycabettus Hill.
Vice Rector for academic and student affairs, Professor Dimitrios Karadimas, addressed the students, quoting the “Vita brevis, ars longa” of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, to stress the long-lasting impact of academic knowledge over the brevity of life.
The academic director of BAAG, Professor Eleni Karamalengou, emphasized the successful completion of the Program despite the unpresented challenges. She acknowledged students’ brave response, regardless of the several restrictions imposed, being away from their families in a foreign country. She also expressed her gratitude to both the instructors and the administrative staff, who all supported the students in the best way, caring for them as members of their families, while at the same time maintaining their commitment to the high level of education provided. She concluded that we should all remain optimistic for the next year and wished things would be better and far more stimulating, as indicated by the current student excursions taking place.
Ms. Elisabeta Mosho addressed the audience on behalf of the students and referred to her experience of the program with great enthusiasm, expressing gratitude to all her professors for the quality and content of their teaching. She referred to all students’ commitment to their academic goals and their desire to experience life at the University, and in the country in general, without restrictions from now on. Finally, she thanked the administration staff for their efforts to support students and accommodate them in their life in Athens.
Following a guided tour around the Museum, the evening's program ended with a performance of Greek and classical music by the Filii Notas String Orchestra, conducted by Maria Bazou, a student of the Music Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.