On Wednesday, September 30th 2020, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and its School of Philosophy, organized with special honor the welcoming ceremony for the students of the first four-year undergraduate program taught in English: "BA Program in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece ", which is addressed exclusively to foreign students. The event took place in the Great Hall of the National and Kapodistrian of Athens.
Earlier, the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Niki Kerameus , together with the Rector of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Professor M. A. Dimopoulos and the Academic Director of the program Professor Eleni Karamalengou, had the opportunity to welcome the students in section groups due to special pandemic protective measures.
The introductory course was followed by the salutation by the Rector, Professor Thanos Dimopoulos, a short video displaying the history of NKUA and the greeting from the Dean of the School of Philosophy, Professor Achilleas Chaldaiakes, as well as short speeches by the former Dean of the School of Philosophy and Academic Director of the Program, Professor Eleni Karamalengou, the Associate Professor of Prehistoric Archeology of the Department of History and Archaeology of the School of Philosophy Georgios Vavouranakis, the Professor of Ancient History from the Department of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Eleni Psoma, the Assistant Professor of Classics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Aikaterini- Nina Carvounis, and the Secretary of the program and Doctor of Prehistoric Archaeology Dionysia Marinou.
28 students from 10 countries (USA, Canada, China, Egypt, Albania, Morocco, Palestine, UAE, El Salvador, Kenya) have registered in the program and attended the reception ceremony and this introductory course both in person or online. As the Rector pointed out during his greeting, interest is already being expressed and student applications to the program have been submitted for the following academic year. Currently, 7,600 foreign students are registered at the NKUA for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
The international orientation of the NKUA, the extroversion and experience gained by the growing number of foreign students studying at NKUA, contributed to the establishment of the program "BA program in Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece" of the School of Philosophy of the NKUA . The program was established by two laws published in the Greek Government Gazette 2464B '21.06.2019, and the Greek Government Gazette 2979B' 19.07.2019 respectively, after a two-year preparation.
The Program is dedicated to the study of Archaeology, Ancient History, Ancient Greek Philology and Classical Greek culture in general, throughout the 32 courses of its curriculum and in combination with educational visits to archaeological sites and other sites of cultural interest.
The event and the first introductory lesson ended with the delivery of souvenirs to the students.