The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA) presented on Wednesday the outlines for the country’s first undergraduate course of study to be conducted exclusively in the English language.
This is the first time in history any Greek University will offer an undergraduate degree with courses conducted exclusively in English.
The degree program, which will be called the ”BA Program in Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece,” was created by the Department of Philosophy of this most historic Greek university.
“I am very proud of the initiative of the EKPA, another proof that our universities can open their wings to overseas students too, by overcoming obstacles,” stated Nikki Kerameus, Greece’s conservative Minister of Education, at the presentation.
The degree program will be accepting up to one hundred students every year.
Its fees are set to be €6,000 ($6,670) and only non–EU citizens will be able to study for this specific degree, in an effort to attract overseas students.
Registration will be open by January of 2020 and the first class will be held in September of 2020 in Athens.
The course will include four years of study, consisting of a total of eight semesters, and by the time of its completion the students will have acquired 248 ECTS points in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.